
This is a blog. As such, it is filled to the brim with the author’s opinions. These opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the employer/employees of the author, past, present or future, and does not necessarily even reflect those of the author at the current time.

The author reserves the right to observe, learn, recount, and otherwise upgrade opinions on subjects which they have already expressed opinions upon, without the need to update past posts. The author also reserves right to edit and revise, and update previous posts without notice for any reason, including if the author just felt like it..

These opinions may include opinions about people and places the author interacts with or has formed observations on. These opinions are not intended to harm, attack, or otherwise provoke any subject.

This blog may occasionally contain opinions formed by other people, whether found in a comment, communique, or other communication to the author or one used as contrast or argument in the author’s own writing. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the author and the author takes no responsibility for these third party opinions.

This blog may contain links to third party websites. The author takes no responsibility for the current content of any third party website linked to, and takes no responsibility for the availability of said content, lack thereof, or revision of content.

The author reserves the right, without notice, to alter, delete, revise or edit any text of this blog, including but not limited to third party comments (which the author reserves the right to delete with or without reason), posts, sites linked to, and other text found on this blog.

Additionally, this author and blog is located in the United States, therefore subject to laws and amendments protecting free speech. The author reserves the right to use slang, Medieval English, colloquialisms, idiomatic speech, or otherwise objectionable words like asshole, tot-hotty or bumptious, foreign languages, the Fair-Use policy, properly credited quotes, Shakespearean insults, or hold potentially offensive opinions such as that sports really kind of suck. The author takes no responsibility for you finding anything potentially offensive to you, your creed, race, religion, gender, favorite sport and team, or planet.

The writings of the author are copyrighted to the author and are not redistributable without permission, consent, or credit. The author reserves all rights to their work. However, this disclaimer should not be viewed as a condemnation of any social media sharing or linking of the author’s works. The author believes in the right of Linkosity and does not view linking as a violation of copy- or other rights provided the linked article is publicly available. (That means private links are entitled to privacy.)

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This blog does not constitute professional advice, even in the field(s) in which the author is trained, of any type.

The author is, likewise, not paid for any opinions, negative or positive and does not review on request, being only a gamer by hobby and not professionally.

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Modding mishaps and gaming gagfests of epic proportions in pursuit of that one perfect experience.