Tag Archives: Fate/Extella

Return, Switch, and unboxing Fate

It’s been a while. Still struggling with my health plus all the points of settling in a new country. Looking at my post lists seems to have a few missing that were supposed to go up a while ago, but I’m not too bothered about a couple of posts yakking up the differences in gaming services in different countries. Let me just sum it up: being an expat in another country is a pain in the ass and region restrictions need to die a hard, hard death because I completely missed out on the stupid code-only Pokemon this last year. Do you know how annoying it is trying to get one from overseas?!

Secondly, just let me say that, in the wake of the Switch reveal Nintendo is cutting their own nose off to spite their face because the one perk of gaming on a Nintendo console was the free online play. It’s utter BS, especially considering you can get better service for free from places like Steam, which I’m not that particularly fond of either. Nah, my go-to place for old games is GOG. Also, if we’re seeing the end of the 3DS life what the heck does that mean for the recently released Pokemon? Are we going to get an even shorter lifespan for them than Black & White? I doubt a lot of kids will want to pay for battling and trading when they’ve been enjoying that for free all this time.

Anyway, the important subject: Fate/Extella. I just got the limited edition for my birthday from Marvelous! and couldn’t wait to unbox it, so I thought I’d share.

View once it popped out of the shipping package. Excuse the camera, my phone’s on the fritz (the Galaxy Note series is not doing very well lately) so of course my webcam is doing it’s best to be obnoxious. It does not deal with moving very well, so you’ll have to deal.

The box is covered with a plastic sleeve with the characters printed on it. For a moment I thought that was the front of the box. Digging Cu Chulainn’s look this time around.

Opening the box, you get a cloth poster, with handy rings for hanging on the wall. To be honest, I thought it would be slightly larger, but it’s nice quality for a cloth poster. Although, next to Tamomo’s head there’s a area where it looks like the printer ran out of reds right at that point, but I think I saw the odd color change on the original image too.

The Material book, in full English. It would be better than it is if they hadn’t translated Arturia as “Artoria” and I’m still scratching my head that they decided to use that for the English versions of Fate/s, the feminine forms of Arthur is Arthurine and Arturia. After how many years of fan translations, I’m pretty darned tired of the overly literal Japanese to English. (If you’ve ever tried to read the Fate/Zero translations, you probably know where I’m coming from.)

The illustrations are nice and clear, and there’s information on the characters in the back. It’s pretty thick for an extra in a box set. Now if only they’d give us an English option on Grand Order.

The game itself, pretty standard PS4 case.

And lastly, the character cards. There’s a range of all the Servants involved starting with Nero. The cards themselves are plastic and slightly translucent which gives the image a cool effect. On the back you see a white silhouette of the character in reverse.

I’ll have to review the game itself later on, when I’m not trying to finish up belated Christmas presents.

For about 65 pounds, not too bad a deal on a collector’s edition, though I’m still miffed we didn’t get the Nero figure I was hoping for (and not even the oppai mousepad, buuuut honestly I’d rather have had a Cu mousepad). On the bright side, the poster will look nice next to my /Zero posters.