Tag Archives: musings

Temba, His Arms Wide

Back to interesting things today. I’ve been watching a lot of Star Trek TNG lately, while working on my modding skills. Mostly just for background noise, somewhat because there’s few programs I can stand reruns, a little because it’s written better than a lot of the reality tv and the obligatory cop-forensic-medical show these days.

Star Trek is a household name in my family. My parents and grandparents watched it, and even my cats seem to enjoy it. Star Trek TNG started airing when I was only 3, and I remember being Traumatized for Life when Admiral Quinn and his aide barfed out mind-controlling parasites. Still, watching reruns makes me feel… nostalgic, even comforted. The times I spent watching when it first aired with my dad or grandpa come back to me, and it’s like they’re still here in the living world.

It’s a world full of possibilities, where there was nothing that couldn’t happen, where people had open minds and hearts and the extent of knowledge was only limited by imagination. Of course, the experience is different now that I am an adult. The nostalgia is tinted by experience. I can see the subtle hints of the past, the reminders that humans may not be as advanced as they may wish to be, or appear to be. Especially grating when they refer to humans of this and the previous century as “savage barbarians.”  Deanna Troi in particular exemplifies this, but it still can be blink-and-you-miss it. I used to like Deanna, but ever since I started watching it again she’s starting to grate on me. One of the more damning of primitive humans, and yet she isn’t always the sweet, helpful counselor she’s protrayed as. Her interactions with Barclay (well, the entire crew’s interactions with Barclay) implied that despite all their lipping, they weren’t as fast to practice what they preached in accepting the differences of people. She also expresses frustration quite often, as in the scene where the captain calls her to view the “first stable wormhole” and isn’t honest with her feelings. There’s just a lot of little things like that, that make me think she’s somewhat a hypocrite. I don’t know why she bothers me so much, though. Many of the characters also have these types of faults. Perhaps because she now symbolizes what I feel they could have done better with the series to me.

I prefer viewing the world of today with a greater sense of optimism, that yes, there are bad people in the world, and they have affected our future greatly, but no more than what was seen on the show. There are so many people I know, or have heard of, that have an honest, true sense of honor, who do strive to make the world a better place, who start movements. Humans have shown ingenuity in all generations, going back to things that seem simple to us, but when you think about it, are so unique or clever you wonder how they thought it up if it wasn’t by accident. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t see some sort of interesting or amazing thing and go “How lucky we are, to be human. How lucky, and how cursed.”

I Miss My TV

I usually just post every other day, but I’ve been feeling pretty talkative lately. My TV was shipped off to the manufacturer’s to be repaired last Thursday. I have no idea when I’ll be getting it back, but I already miss it. Really, really, really badly.

Anyway, I had my usual monthly chiropractic visit yesterday. Doc noted that my spine was in pretty good shape this month, and it didn’t crack as it usually did. Especially my neck. My neck is a major sore point for me as I often don’t hold proper posture while using my computer or watching TV. It’s a major thing when it doesn’t sound like someone is cracking all dozen or so of their knuckle joints. Like, a really good, major thing.

Now, I still get some sore points when turning my head. I don’t think that particular vertebra in my neck is going to go down without a fight, but I have been standing straighter, sitting taller, and resting more comfortably on my feet. Or is it standing taller and sitting straighter?

If you’ve ever had a spinal injury or deformity that requires the regular use of a chiropractor, you probably will know what I mean when I say, last year I was a totally different person because of the sheer agony of simply moving. I tried to take up running again, only to get stopped by poor running posture resulting in shin splints from hell. Little vortexs of whirling muscle pain appeared on my calves and shins and said, “Hay there, heard you were trying to do some running. WELL, YOUR BACK SAYS YOU’RE NOT AND CALLED US IN.”

By the way, just to give you an idea of the kind of scope one incident can have. That car accident I was in- it was 18 years ago. I was tiny. I flew through the air, stopped only by the seat belt. It’s affected my life pretty thoroughly from high school sports to having to quit a convention early due to shooting nerve pain.

Anyway, yes. Yesterday, I had the chiropractor, and afterward I took my mother to the drug store to pick up her medicines, being, you know, elderly and all (and she would probably slap me if she saw that) and to pick up some heirloom tomatoes. Well, when we got back home, it wasn’t more than 20 minutes later that she opened up her bottle of thyroid pills and spilled them all into a floor vent. After rearranging things to try to get my fat ham hand down the vent, a futile exercise with with the vacuum and a piece of cheese cloth, my clever albeit ineffective try with the little grabber hand from my electronics repair kit, and a ladle, I resorted to the classic gum-on-a-stick routine, only it was more like duct-tape-on-a-ladle.

Duct tape. Duct tape really does fix everything.

About an hour later, I huffily handed her all 32 pills and complained about the crick in my neck, because, oh yeah, I had to look down the vent with my neck corkscrewed up against the couch, because the couch was too damn heavy to move.

It was about then I went “FML,” and poured myself a bowl of cereal.